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Accessing mental health resources from providers of color
Here are various "for us by us" community initiatives to increase access to culturally-relevant mental health resources
Asian, Pacific Islander, and South Asian American (APISAA) Therapist Directory by the Asian Mental Health Collective
The Asians for Mental Health Directory of providers
A crowd-sourced list of Progressive Asian American Christian therapists
The Black Virtual Wellness Directory by the Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective
This Area-based Search Engine by Therapy for Black Girls
The Member Directory of providers compiled by Therapy for Latinx
CA-based Behavioral Health Services the Native American Health Center
Reference list about
race-based stress and trauma
Here is an academic reference list that Dr. Yang compiled of research on race-based stress and trauma. This may be useful as a place to start delving into existing literature.
Accessing free therapy for USF students for experiencing impact of discrimination and racism
USF's Counseling and Psychological Services offers brief free therapy for USF students who are experiencing distress due to discrimination and racism.
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Resources
Here is a document of resources that Rachel created for those interested in applying to clinical psychology Ph.D. programs. The resources may be helpful for general application advice, taking the GRE, writing statements of purpose, interviews, and more.
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